How to Keep Data Safe

Your company is responsible for protecting the personal information of your clients and customers regardless of the industry you work in. If hackers gain access that is not authorized and access to your data, it could result in identity theft, financial fraud and an erosion of trust. It is possible to prevent data breaches before they happen.

Protecting personal information offline means ensuring that the physical records, like disks and paper files, aren’t accessible to unauthorized individuals. It is essential to clearly label all storage media and ensure that a company’s policies are followed when handling sensitive documents.

Personal information on the internet is more complicated to safeguard since it’s stored on servers, computers and other devices that have the ability to communicate with other devices online. The best practices for protecting personal data online differs based on platform, therefore it is important to check the security practices of a company prior to placing any sensitive data in its storage. Regulations like GDPR, CCPA, and HIPAA allow individuals and companies to share and delete their data.

Data encryption, both while it’s being stored and sent over a network is among the most efficient ways to safeguard information. It’s a good idea also to periodically review your data and only keep the essentials. This will assist you in avoiding major data breaches that can have a huge impact on your business as well as the people who trust you with their personal information.